Below is a list of websites to provide helpful information.
Doctor’s Appointments: Tips for Caregivers National Institute on Aging
Frequently Asked Questions About Hospice
Advancing healthcare with a model that works. NHPCO enhances and expands access to care that addresses holistic health and the well-being of communities.
Frequently Asked Questions About Palliative Care
Get Palliative Care is a website providing clear, comprehensive palliative care information for people living with a serious illness. Key features of the site include a Palliative Care Provider Directory, a definition of palliative care, and detailed descriptions of what palliative care does and how to get it.
Doulagivers Certified End-of-Life Doula
Learn more about End-of-Life Doula training. Register for End-of-Life Doula Training
National End-of-Life Doula Alliance
The National End-of-Life Doula Alliance (NEDA) is a non-profit membership organization that welcomes and supports all end-of-life doulas, trainers, and interested parties.
NHPCO End-of-Life Doula Council
Advancing healthcare with a model that works. NHPCO enhances and expands access to care that addresses holistic health and the well-being of communities.
Organ Donation & Transplantation Resources
National Institutes of Health is working with a team of federal agencies to encourage older adults to register as organ donors.
Providing Care & Comfort at End-of-Life National Institute on Aging
What are Palliative Care & Hospice Care National Institute on Aging
Publishes patient and family education materials to the hospice and healthcare industries that delivers sensitive information in a gentle manner, often using nature’s metaphors to help family members foster understanding of the patient’s end-of-life journey.